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              歐盟醫療器械CE/ISO13485認證     您當前的位置是: 首頁 > 國際體系認證咨詢 > 歐盟醫療器械CE/ISO13485認證
            [ 2015-01-17 15:17 ]
            Manufacturer’s Incident Report
            MEDDEV 2.12/1 rev 6
            1 行政信息 Administrative information
            國家主管當局名稱Name of National Competent Authority(NCA)
            國家主管當局地址Address of National competent Authority
            主管當局蓋章Stamp box for the Competent Authority (~60×40 mm)
            該報告的時間Date of this report
            制造商指定的參考號碼Reference number assigned by the manufacturer
            國家主管當局指定的接收者索引號碼(若已知)Reference number assigned by NCA to whom sent (if known)
            報告類型Type of report
            □  初始報告Initial report
            □  跟蹤報告Follow-up report
            □  包含初始和最終的聯合報告Combined Initial and final report
            □  最終報告Final report
            事件是否構成嚴重危害公眾健康Does the incident represent a serious public health threat?
            Classification of incident事故類型
            □  死亡death
            □  健康狀況的嚴重損壞,嚴重公共健康威脅unanticipated serious deterioration instate of health
            □  其他所有可報告事故ALL other reportable incidents
            確定該報告的其他發送國家主管當局Identify to what other NCAs this report was also sent
            2 報告提交人信息 Information on submitter of the report
            發送人身份Status of submitter
            □      制造商Manufacturer
            □      EEA 和瑞士內授權代表 Authorised Representative within EEA and Switzerland
            □      其他(請表明其身份)Others: (identify the role)
            3 制造商信息 Manufacturer information
            制造商名稱Manufacturer name
            制造商聯系人Manufacturer’s contact person
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            4 授權代表信息 Authorized Representative information
            授權代表名稱Name of the Authorized Representative
            授權代表聯系人The Authorized Representative’s contact person
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            5 報告提交者信息(如果不同于第3、4節) Submitter’s information (if different from section 3 or 4)
            提交者姓名submitter’s name
            聯系人姓名Name of the contact person
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            6 醫療器械信息 Medical device information
            □    有源植入類AIMD Active implants
            □    MDD法規規定第Ш類 MDD Class Ш              □ IVD 附件Ⅱ列表A IVD AnnexⅡ List A
            □    MDD法規規定第Ⅱ類 MDD Class Ⅱb             □ IVD 附件Ⅱ列表B IVD AnnexⅡ List B
            □    MDD分類 Ⅱa       MDD Class Ⅱa             □ IVD自測診斷器械 IVD Devices for self-testing
            □    MDD分類 MDD ClassⅠ                        □ IVD一般  IVD General
            分類系統(最好是GMDN) Nomenclature system (preferable GMDN)
            分類系統代號Nomenclature code
            分類內容Nomenclature text
            商品名/品牌名/制造者Commercial name/brand name/make
            型號 Mode and/or
            編號  catalogue number
            序列(適用時)號Serial number(s) (if applicable)
            批號  lot/batch number(s)
            軟件版本號(適用時) Software version number (if applicable)
            制造日期 Device Manufacturing date,               失效期Expiry date
            附件/隨附器械(適用時)  Accessories/associated device (if applicable)
            公告機構識別號碼 Notified Body (NB) ID-number
            7 事故信息Incident information
            使用點報告參考號碼,適用時User facility report reference number, if applicable
            制造商知悉日期Manufacturers awareness date
            事故發生日期Date the incident occurred
            事故描述Incident description narrative
            涉及病人數量(若知 )Number of patients involved (if known)
            涉及器械數量(若知) Number of medical devices involved (if known)
            醫療器械現處地點(若知)Medical device current location/disposition(if known)
            事故發生時醫療器械的使用者Operator of the medical device at the time of incident(select one)
            □ 健康護理專家health care professional          □ 病人patient
            □ 其他other
            醫療器械的使用者(請選擇)Usage of the medical device (select from list below)
            □ 初次使用initial use                         
            □ 一次性器械的重復使用reuse of a single use medical device
            □ 可重復使用器械的再次使用reuse of a reusable medical device
            □ 修復后使用/維修 re-serviced/refurbished
            □ 其他(請詳述)other(please specify)
            □ 使用前注意到問題problem noted prior use
            8病人信息Patient information
            事故發生后病人狀況patient outcome
            有關的健康護理點采取的補救措施Remedial action taken by the healthcare facility relevant to the care of the patient
            事故發生時病人的年齡,適用時Age of the patient at the time of incident, if applicable
            性別,適用時Gender, if applicable
            □ 女性Female                □ 男性Male
            重量,適用時Weight in kilograms, if applicable
            9 健康護理點信息Healthcare facility information
            健康護理點名稱Name of the health care facility
            護理點內聯系人Contact person within the facility
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            10 制造商初始意見(初次/跟蹤報告) Manufacturer’s preliminary comments      (Initial/Follow-up report)
            制造商初始分析Manufacturer’s preliminary analysis
            制造商采取的初始糾正預防措施Initial corrective actions/preventive actions implemented by the manufacturer
            下次預計報告日期Expected date of next report
            11 制造商末次調查結果(末次報告) Results of manufacturers final investigation (Final report)
            制造商器械分析結果Results of manufacturers final investigation(Final report)
            制造商器械分析結果The manufacturer’s device analysis results
            補救措施/糾正措施/預防措施/市場安全糾正措施Remedial action/corrective action/preventive action/Field safety Corrective Action
            注意:NOTE: 提交這個市場安全糾正措施需要填附表4  In the case of a FSCA the submitter needs to fill in the form of Annex 4
            確定采取的措施時間表Time schedule for the implementation of the identified actions
            制造商末次評估報告Final comments from the manufacturer
            進一步調查Further investigations
            制造商有無意識到同型器械中因同類原因造成的同類事故?Is the manufacturer aware of similar incidents with this type of medical device with a similar root cause?
            □      是Yes     □ 否No
            類似事件的數量Number of similar incidents
            如果是,請表明在何國家和事故報告索引號.If yes, stare in which countries and the report reference numbers of the incidents.
            僅對末次報告適用:醫療器械被分布到下列國家內:For Final Report only: The medical device has been distributed to the following countries:
            -在EEA和瑞士內:-Within the EEA and Switzerland:
            □AT □BE □BU □CH □CY □CZ □DE □DK □EE □ES □FI □FR □GB □GR □HU □IE □IS □IT □LI □LT □LU □LV □MT □NL □NO □PL □PT □RO □SE □SI □SK
            -候補國家-Candidate Countries  □CR □TR
            □所有EEA-, 候補國家和瑞士  □ALL EEA-,Candidate Countries and Switzerland
            12 評價Comments
            I affirm that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
            姓名Name:          城市City:           日期Date:
            Submission of this report does not, in itself, represent a conclusion by the manufacturer and/or authorized representative or the National Competent Authority that the content of this report is complete or accurate, that the medical device(S) caused or contributed to the alleged death or deterioration the state of the health of any person.

            (MEDDEV 2.12/1 rev 5)
            1 行政信息 Administrative information
            國家主管當局名稱Name of National Competent Authority(NCA)
            國家主管當局地址Address of National competent Authority
            主管當局蓋章Stamp box for the Competent Authority (~60×40 mm)
            該報告的時間Date of this report
            制造商指定索引號Reference number assigned by the manufacturer
            事故索引號及協作國家主管當局名稱(適用時)Incident reference number and name of the co-ordinating NCA Competent Authority (if applicable)
            確定該報告的其它發送國家主管當局Identify to what other Competent Authorities this report was also sent
            2 報告提交人信息 Information on submitter of the report
            發送人身份Status of submitter
            □      制造商Manufacturer
            □      EEA內授權代表 Authorised Representative within EEA
            □      其他(請表明其身份)Others: (identify the role)
            3 制造商信息 Manufacturer information
            制造商名稱Manufacturer name
            制造商聯系人Manufacturer’s contact person
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            4 授權代表信息 Authorized Representative information
            授權代表名稱Name of the Authorized Representative
            授權代表聯系人The Authorized Representative’s contact person
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            5 國家聯絡點信息 National contact point information
            國家聯絡點名稱 National contact point name
            聯系人姓名Name of the contact person
            郵政編碼 Postal code 城市City
            電話Phone 傳真Fax
            電子郵件E-mail 國家Country 2)
            6 醫療器械信息 Medical device information
            □    有源植入類AIMD Active implants
            □    MDD法規規定第Ш類 MDD Class Ш              □ IVD 附件Ⅱ列表A IVD AnnexⅡ List A
            □    MDD法規規定第Ⅱ類 MDD Class Ⅱb             □ IVD 附件Ⅱ列表B IVD AnnexⅡ List B
            □    MDD分類 Ⅱa       MDD Class Ⅱa             □ IVD自測診斷器械 IVD Devices for self-testing
            □    MDD分類 MDD ClassⅠ                         □ IVD一般 IVD General
            分類系統(最好是GMDN) Nomenclature system (preferable GMDN)
            分類系統代號Nomenclature code
            分類內容Nomenclature text
            商品名/品牌名/制造者Commercial name/brand name/make
            型號 Mode and/or
            序列號/批號Serial number(s) or lot/batch number(s)
            軟件版本號(適用時) Software version number (if applicable)
            制造日期/失效期Device Manufacturing date/Expiry date
            附件/隨附器械(適用時)  Accessories/associated device (if applicable)
            公告機構識別號碼 Notified Body (NB) ID-number
            7 市場安全糾正措施描述Description of FSCA
            市場安全糾正措施背景信息和原因Background information and reason for the FSCA
            描述措施及其理由(糾正/預防)Description and justification of the action (corrective/preventive)
            分銷商和使用者對所采取措施的建議Advice on actions to be taken by the distributor and the user.
            附加資料Attached please find
            □ 英文版市場安全公告Field Safety Notice (FSN) in English
            □ 國語版市場安全公告FSN in national language
            □ 其它(請詳述)Others (please specify) …
            在EEA和瑞士內受市場安全糾正措施影響的國家: These countries within the EEA and Switzerland are affected by this FSCA:
            - 在EEA和瑞士內 - within the EEA and Switzerland
            □AT □BE □BU □CH □CY □CZ □DE □DK □EE □ES □FI □FR □GB □GR □HU □IE □IS □IT □LI □LT □LU □LV □MT □NL □NO □PL □PT □RO □SE □SI □SK
            -候補國家-Candidate Countries  □CR □TR
            □所有EEA-, 候補國家和瑞士  □ALL EEA-,Candidate Countries and Switzerland
            EEA和瑞士范圍之外受市場糾正措施影響的國家These countries outside the EEA and Switzerland are affected by this FSCA:
            8 備注Comments
            I affirm that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
            姓名Name:          城市City:           日期Date
            Submission of this report does not, in itself, represent a conclusion by the manufacturer and/or authorized representative or the National Competent Authority that the content of this report is complete or accurate, that the medical device(S) caused or contributed to the alleged death or deterioration the state of the health of any person.

            Copyright ? 2022 佛山邁拓醫療服務有限公司 版權所有 粵ICP備2022013635號-1
            聯系電話:15360046354 郵箱:738383474@qq.com 網址:http://www.concreteedgingmn.com
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